Some people would say that only God knows what could happen in your
life, but in some cases, there are people who would say that your
destiny is already written on your palm — and they are called fortune

When I was a kid, my lola from my maternal side claimed that
she knows how to do palm reading. From then on, I believed that she can
read people’s destiny through their palms. I remember, I boasted it to
my closest friends in elementary and asked my lola to read their palms
and tell us what she saw. She read one of my classmate’s palm, she
envisioned that my classmate would go to abroad. After four years, it
came true. I asked my lola how to do palmistry, and she told me
that major lines in palm signify health, career, love life, etc. Of
course, I was amazed of my lola’s ability to psych out. Another
thing, my mother also knows how to foresee a situation before it occurs
by asking her playing cards. She told me before that I should not play
with her cards because it might tell a lie the next time she’ll use it.
After a couple of years, I tried the other way how Filipinos seek
relief and hope to their problems which is through watching the manghuhulas
of Quiapo shuffle their tarot cards. Answering your questions from the
normal playing cards cost P50.00 and P100.00 for the tarot cards. The
session lasted for 30 minutes with two sessions. The first part: I was a
asked to think of a question which is answerable by yes, no, or maybe,
after that I pulled a card from the shuffled and the fortune teller said
the answer. The second part was basically she shuffled the tarot deck
and picked the cards one by one and she told me what my career, health,
love life, family, and flow of money would be in the future.

I took the activity seriously, and asked questions for real. But
still, i can’t rely my destiny on cards and fortune tellers. I believe
in my faith that the man is the driver of his life and that whatever
happens to him is a consequence of his action and the will of God. This
activity just strengthen my faith for what I believe in.
Fortune Telling around Quiapo Church
Reviewed by
Krisna Rose Benbinuto
December 15, 2011
Fantastic website greetings.